Chade Meng-Tan has evolved his career to being Google’s resident Jolly Good Fellow, whose role is to enlighten minds, open hearts, and create world peace. Meng-Tan came to the RSA to promote his latest book ‘Search Inside Yourself’. What I am very proud of is that he is a fellow Singaporean – with his accent intact – who has managed to make waves internationally just by being so peaceful and jolly. His charmingly disarming ability to get his audiences to respond to his message positively and really listen to his advice is what really warms my heart. After his talk we managed to have a chat about Singapore’s social policies, upon which he also asked for a link to the song I wrote about ‘Singapore, It’s Where We Belong‘!
Meng-Tan’s engineering background gave him the right mental framework to distill the method of developing emotional intelligence into a set of logical, simple steps for us to practice. The 3-step formula is:
1) Learn inner calm: Practice mindfulness, even for a few seconds.
2) Increase emotional resilience: Recognise failure as a physical experience/tension in your body, and let it that experience go by breathing calmly.
3) Develop the habit of wishing success to others: Always think, “I want this person to be happy”. You will give off better vibes and people will unconsciously pick up on it.
Easy steps to remember and use in your daily lives! Watch Chade-Meng’s talk to learn more.